Neath Port Talbot - Report Fly Tipping Castell-Nedd Port Talbot - Riportio Tipio Plu
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Did you witness the fly tipping?

Please complete the following to report the problem.

Are you currently at the location of the fly tip?

The authority is now using what3words as a simple way to report any location.
By clicking the red icon, you will provide us with your current what3words location.

Is the fly tip located at a property?
Do you know the location of the fly tip?

The authority is now using what3words as a simple way to report any location.
By clicking the red icon, you will be redirected to the what3words website or application(depending on device).
Please use the map to navigate to the location of the incident. Copy and paste the 3 word location into the box below. For example: oppose.fleet.branch

Are there any black bags present?